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At Red Bike Coffee we are passionate about roasting great coffee. We strive to extend that passion to our customers.

Proudly located just outside Birmingham in historic Irondale, Alabama where we pore over samples from around the world, selecting beans for their superior cup characteristics. We are also aware that roasting methods need to be dynamic, adjusting to differences in coffee growing regions and crops. The result is a bean roasted to its prime that will certainly stand above the rest.  Aromatically soothing, and exceptionally flavorful.

Our beans are small-batch roasted to maintain roast control and consistency. This also ensures that you receive the freshest coffee possible. Call it customized roasting if you will.

Whether you are a home coffee connoisseur, a retailer, or a coffee shop looking for a roaster with whom you can work closely, you will notice our passion - roasting great coffee. It's what we do.

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